Video – Seated Salutation – seated yoga class

Seated Salutation is a new seated yoga movement class with Despoina Karargyri.
It took place live on 5th November at 6.00 pm BST the video is below

Dear all,

Please come and join us for a seated sun salutation Yoga class. I am not a Yoga instructor so this is not designed for people proficient in Yoga but for people that are like me novices and want to be able to do enough to even join a yoga class at some point or do enough at home to stimulate their internal organs, pace their breathing, stretch their muscles, and overall strengthen.

What you will need is only a chair and either a table or another chair in front of you. If you are at a more advanced level you are welcome to join and either follow my instructions to see what happens when you do things from sitting and where that might fit in your life or follow with your own flow and come for the company.

The invitation for all is to playfully experiment with the movements and perhaps by repeating them explore what becomes available.

two people sittig doing yoga stretched by the sea

Waiver: By joining the class you have read and agree to the following:

 Footsteps Festival 2021 recommends that you consult your physician before beginning any activity class. When participating in any movement practise, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this session or course you do so voluntarily and with consultation of a relevant health professional. You agree to be fully responsible for your wellbeing during the session(s) and assume any risk of injury to yourself.

Despoina Karargyri.

Hi! I’m Despoina, a physio from Greece with a special interest in pain who fears heights. This interest brought me to this wonderful country so I could study more about pain with the leading minds in the world and work alongside people of clinical excellence. Over the years I’ve joined specialist groups, led teams, joined the British Pain Society, got actively involved with the PPA (Pain Physiotherapy Association), work as the principal pain physio of my team but most of all I discovered working with pain is not about limiting yourself, it is about opening yourself to all possibilities and life.

despiona white woman in a hat by the sea

The video of Seated Salutation is here.



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