VIDEO – Step into Easeful Movement

A three session series of Movement classes suitable for any level of ability.

The video of session Three is here!

When you live with pain, movement and activity can feel like a struggle or even a threat. You can fall into movement habits that perpetuate the problem and signal stress to your brain. You might push through to get things done, ignoring your pain or avoid moving out of fear of pain.

In this three session series you’ll learn to let go of the struggle and fear of moving to once again find softness, freedom, connection and joy through movement. You can attend one session or all three. Each session includes meditation, guided mindful movement, breath awareness, creative movement and reflection in small groups. You can participate from a chair or standing.

The third session Video is to the right – it is suitable for anyone.

Please enjoy but your do so at your own risk, so use common sense, and work to the soft edge of pain not beyond.

Rajvi Shah is a physiotherapist and Yoga teacher – and has seen the immense benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness applied therapeutically for helping people cope with the physical and mental impact of chronic pain. She works within the NHS and independently integrating therapeutic yoga, mindfulness and pain physiotherapy. Please check out her Social Media here:

Instagram @softstrength_painyogacoach
Facebook @softstrengthyoga 

Please enjoy this video of the third session of “Step into Easeful Movement” – the session ended as always with a time for free dance, this is not recorded for privacy reasons, so do have some fun tunes lined up for the end of the video so you can have some “soul-food” free dance time yourself – even if its just your fingers doing the dancing!

Waiver: By using the video you have read and agree to the following:

 Footsteps Festival 2021 recommends that you consult your physician before beginning any activity class. When participating in any movement practise, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this session or course you do so voluntarily and with consultation of a relevant health professional. You agree to be fully responsible for your wellbeing during the session(s) and assume any risk of injury to yourself.


Can we ask a favour? If you find value in any of the Footsteps Festival events, a small “pay as you feel” donation would be gratefully received – this means we can keep it free to access.

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