Can you help us research how to measure self-management?


Here at Footsteps Festival we think self management is very important. So we were surprised when we looked for a questionnaire that measures it. We couldn’t find any questionnaire that asked the kind of questions that we wanted to know about. We wanted to find out about helpful things that people can do, such as pacing or managing moods. We wanted to explore if people thought these skills were important for managing their pain, and if they felt confident to use them.

We think it’s important to develop a questionnaire that asks these questions so we can improve research into pain self-management.

We are currently working with a psychology student, Ethan Knight, who has devised a questionnaire that will help us to develop this important measure. This is part of a project that we are carrying out in collaboration with Newcastle University.

Do you have 10 minutes to help us?

two women sit at a small table, talking.

Below is a link to Ethan’s project. It includes questions about self-management that we hope to develop into a validated questionnaire. It also includes questions about your pain and wellbeing.

Thank you so much! By filling in this questionnaire you will be supporting research into self-management. We hope to get the results published and will share updates when they are available.

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