“Journal Club” – open discussion of the latest in pain science


Journal Club - first thursday of every month at 7 pm on zoom

“Journal Club” is for ANYONE who is interested in research into pain, in any way. Whether you are someone who lives with pain, a professor of neuroscience, a new PhD student, a clinician or someone who cares for someone who lives with pain or any combination of those – we want the widest and most informal and relaxed discussion of pain science via new (or interesting) journal papers.

Join us at 7.00 pm BST on Thursday 4th Jul 2024 on Zoom.

We are delighted to be joined by Gemma Felton with her research titled:

“Can we improve education about pain by using personal experience?”

Gemma is about to graduate with a psychology degree and will be presenting her dissertation. She worked with students to see if experiential activities increased their understanding about how pain works above and beyond a short informational animation.

If you have a paper you want to present or see presented get in touch at info@footsteps-festival.co.uk

(Journal Club will be always be on the first Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm)




Please join us for very informal and relaxed discussion club on various research papers on the very wide topic of the pain sciences – we hope that we can encourage peoples interest in various subjects though the latest and interesting publications in these fields.

We want this to be open to anyone with an interest in pain – whether you live with pain or care for someone who does and want to learn more about your experience and what the latest research is covering, or you are in academia yourself and want to join a mixed group to widen your influences, or if you are a health care professional and want to catch up on thoughts about the latest research…

Everyone is equal in our club…

The club will involve either discussion of a relevant research paper or a presentation by a guest researcher along with informal discussions and opportunities to suggest what areas you would like to see further research in.

We hope that we can grow this club to fit whatever its participants want it to be for most gain – come and help us do so!



Journal club an informal club to discuss pain research papers - open to anyone with an interest. on the first Thursday of every month on zoom 7 pm


various research papers


The date for the next Journal Club is Thursday 4th July 2024 7.00 pm BST for an hour or so..

It will be the first Thursday of every month

Book Your Free Place for Journal Club Here



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Video Highlights!

Please find below some videos of some of the paper presentations at Journal Club.

The YouTube playlist is available here.

May 2024

April 2024

Jack Lumsdon presenting his work: “Experiences of Recovering from Persistent Pain – An exploration of the ups and downs of recovering from persistent pain from the transformation of life and changing relationship with pain to the overwhelming sense of “what’s next?

March 2024

Diarmuid (with help from Niki) presenting a paper regarding the use of the words “pain catastrophising” by Dr Beth Darnell et al. We were delighted to welcome co-author and Patient Partner Andrea Anderson to Journal Club – her contribution is valuable and interesting.

The paper on Patient Responses to the Term Pain Catastrophizing is here.

Here is a statement about this paper and the background behind it from Andrea:

Journal club statement Andrea Anderson

January 2024

Niki Jones presenting a paper on whether using a reward modulates the return of pain related avoidance and/or pain related fear after extinction (after exposure therapy).

The full paper is  here: https://www.jpain.org/article/S1526-5900(23)00652-1/fulltext

November 2023

Dr Maxi Miciak 

Maxi will spoke about her qualitative research exploring the therapeutic relationship in physiotherapy, focusing on the paper “The necessary conditions of engagement for the therapeutic relationship in physiotherapy: an interpretive description study”. The article richly describes being present, receptive, genuine, and committed — the four conditions of a safe container for patients and therapists to develop meaningful connections and a bond.”

Link to the paper (open access)

More about Dr. Maxi Miciak:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaxiMiciak

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maxi-Miciak

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxi-miciak-phd-57362920/

August 2023

PhD student from York University Kirralise Hansford presenting her own work on chronic pain and visual illusions.

“Distinct neural signatures of multimodal resizing illusions” (aka Finger stretching!)

More Info about Kirralise here:

The Paper – https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028393223001562

July 2023

Niki Jones presenting a paper on Patient Partner involvement.

“Reflections on patient engagement by patient partners: how it can go wrong” by Dawn P. Richards, Sabrina Poirier, Vina Mohabir, Laurie Proulx, Sue Robins & Jeffery Smith


March 2023

Undergraduate Psychology student Jacob Cullen presenting his qualitative review about the experience of continuing (or not) with pain self-management beyond the time when it has initially been introduced.

“The experience of continuing pain self management after its introduction, a thematic synthesis”

February 2023

Medical student and Psychology Masters graduate Cameron Hartley presents his fascinating research into “Pain advocates” – who are they, what are they and WHY they do what they do.

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