Research Questionnaire – Have your say about future “nerve block” research (regional anaesthesia)


Opportunity to contribute to deciding what research is carried out in the future about nerve blocks (regional anaesthesia). This is a quick questionnaire to fill in and is a great way for people with lived experience to really have an input into future research areas.

The team want to find out what research is needed to improve the care of patients undergoing regional anaesthesia and really want to hear from people who have had regional anaesthesia and their family and friends. They also wish to hear from professionals who preform regional anaesthesia  or who look after people who have had it.

Regional Anaesthesia UK – Research Priority Setting Exercise

What does the Questionnaire want to know?

*Tell them any questions you have about regional anaesthesia that you would like to see answered by research. There are no right or wrong answers and the most important thing is to focus on what is important to you.

*They will also ask a little bit about you, so they can make sure they are collecting opinions from a broad range of people.

*They will ask for your consent to use the information you provide.

*The questions you suggest could be related to your own experience, there are no right or wrong suggestions, and they would value any input about areas you would like more information about.

*The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete. All personal information will be anonymised so it will not be possible to tell who submitted any of the answers.

For more information and to access the questionnaire click the button below:


Regional Anaesthesia Questionnaire

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