Feedback From Festival Goers
*Loving the festival activities especially the origami, cooking, and singing sessions. Good luck with the fundraising, such a great idea, thanks so much L W May 13, 2021
*Thank you for the delicious duffin bakealong! Anonymous May 11, 2021
*It’s great you include people from such a wide area – thank you. P May 6, 2021
*Great activities available and I’m enjoying learning ways to live with pain V C May 6, 2021
*What an exciting initiative H B May 6, 2021
*Thank you for a fantastic festival and set of resources, they are so valuable! R R May 5, 2021
*If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. Keep changing people’s lives. R H Apr 29, 2021
*Thank you for all you do it is very interesting Anonymous Apr 29, 2021
*Such fantastic support and variety of programme. . Thank you J Apr 27, 2021
*Footsteps is an excellent pioneering group of immense benefit to its members. I’ve just completed the MBSR prog by Diarmuid, whose leadership and participant inclusion has been just outstanding ***** R M Apr 14, 2021
*Fantastic to work with such an inspirational group of people to help spread the message that it really can be possible to live well with pain and that doing so can change the course of pain. C P Apr 13, 2021
*I’ve found taking part in a number of different topics has been so helpful. I love what you’re all doing to help so many people. An amazing initiative and thank you all so much for this. E Apr 6, 2021
*Brilliant concept! S Apr 5, 2021
*This is one of the best initiatives I’ve ever seen with a multitude of good-quality activities to explore and engage with. Well done 👏 D Mar 31, 2021
*Some excellent ideas Anonymous Mar 29, 2021
*It is amazing what you are doing. Good luck Anonymous Mar 21, 2021
*Thank you for this great festival! D Mar 19, 2021
*Thank you for putting this all together, I’m a pain specialist occupational therapist working in a pain clinic for the NHS. I also live with persistent pain. This is a brilliant programme. Great work! L Z Mar 14, 2021
*This group is uplifting, stimulating, supporting, informative, and couldn’t be more warm and friendly. I can’t thank the organisers (& participants) enough for what they do and bring. First Class! Anonymous Mar 4, 2021
*Wonderful festival – thanks to all involved. Anonymous Feb 28, 2021
*Superb job done by a fantastic organisation for pain patients. Keep on with the good work D Feb 25, 2021
*A fantastic opportunity to help people with persistent pain live a better life- Thank you! Anonymous Feb 24, 2021
*Thank you for all the amazing work you do for people living with pain! Anonymous Feb 24, 2021
*Congratulations on such a great festival. Thank you for your work! Anonymous
Ten Footsteps
I just wanted to say a very BIG Thank you for such a relaxed but very informative first session. Your collective ideas, expertise and the additional but oh so inspiring input from yourself Jenny makes it all seem so much more ‘real’ and accessible 🙂 I was quite anxious about whether to join or not but SO glad I did. I’m particularly interested in the mind/body link as this is of particular interest to me
Step Into Singing
*I really enjoy how Marie Claire guides us through the session. She is so welcoming and cheery and obviously enjoys helping others enjoy singing.
*The warm up exercises definitely enhance the benefits and last time I was aware that my pain levels significantly reduced about half an hour into the session.
*It’s also so good to be in a group.
*I’m loving the sessions. Thanks to everyone involved!
*I’m personally very surprised at how it’s making me feel so much more confident in myself, mostly in being able to sing in front of others which is something I’ve found almost phobic level hard – and it brings me much joy which lasts for longer than the day!
*I love these singing lessons, even though I’m deaf/blind I find it easy to follow as everyone is muted. My stress levels drop which automatically reduces my pain level. The breathing and vocal exercises are not too challenging so induce a feeling of calm. Then to finish off the chance of learning a new song. Such an enjoyable way to spend an hour.
*With Marie Claire’s energy and warmth combined with the movements whilst working out your vocal chords etc, it can’t help but bring out the child in you. I very much enjoy the rounds as well.
*I enjoy singing and this targeted programme has allowed me to feel comfortable singing with others without needing to be so concerned about my occasional involuntary spasms. Muting certainly helps in allowing extra freedom. A big plus also is that I think you can benefit and enjoy it whatever level of ability you have. Superb!
*The warm-ups are already helping to ease the flare-up I’m having today
*This is fabulous really helping my joint pain reduce and I really love singing the high notes especially now I’ve discovered it’s an abs workout as well!
*The distraction is great for my joint pain too. I have hEDS.
*Found myself actually being able to enjoy this without feeling self-conscious
*At the beginning, I couldn’t stand but now I’m up!
*Physically feeling looser and warmer.
*The Footsteps Festival is wonderful and I am thankful for the hard work that’s gone into putting this together. It’s been a bright point in a gloomy seemingly endless lockdown.

Please let us know what you think of the Festival by emailing us at