Fundraising Twitch Stream for Footsteps Festival with PetraPhoenix


Video summary available below.

This event was joining long term Footsteps Festival supporter PetraPhoenix at a fundraising Twitch stream on Friday 15th April. The stream was live from 10.00 am BST for a marathon NINE hours.

The stream included special guests, lots of fun, chat, crafting, puzzles and surprises!

CONGRATULATIONS! PetraPhoenix and guests as the donations total exceeds £1400!!!!

Screen shot of twitch stream where the donation total has gone over £900 and Petra is dressed as a flying squirrel

Twitch Stream with PetraPhoenix

On Friday 15th of April Footsteps Festival supporter PetraPhoenix ran a live Twitch stream for NINE HOURS to raise money for the Footsteps Festival.

Below is a slide show summary of the hours of fun and social connection – and fundraising!!

She was live for 9 hours from 10 am with special guests, chatting to people, playing games, attempting to solve Rubik’s type cubes, crafting and generally having fun, all whilst telling people about the amazing things Footsteps Festival does. Incredibly she raised over £1400 for the Festival, and we all had a fantastic time as well!

Thank you PetraPhoenix!

New to Twitch?

Joining a Twitch stream is very simple – just click on PetraPhoenix’s link and it connects you. You can catch up with her normal streams via this link as well. You can watch and listen easily. If you want to be able to comment then you will need a Twitch account but thats easy to do, just click this link.

Twitch can be a gateway to a vast social group – as usual care should be taken but with PetraPhoenix you are in very safe hands – why not use this event to investigate a new world of opportunities!

Fundraising Twitch Stream Summary Slideshow video


Check out all the fun!!




If you want to join PetraPhoenix on her other Twitch stream days just click the button and you will be taken straight to her account so you can check out when she is live.


Join the Twitch Stream


If you prefer to copy and paste the link is

Help keep Footsteps Festival free

We are so grateful to PetraPhoenix for her fundraising efforts.

Raising funds for the Footsteps Festival is vital to cover our running costs – all admin and hosting is done by volunteers but some Events do have a cost such as Cookfulness and Zentangling, and there are other background costs. However we strongly believe our events should be free at the point of use but we hope that if you find value in what we do you can spare a small donation.


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