Coffee and Chat
Coffee and Chat is an informal monthly drop-in that’s happening throughout the year, where you can come and meet others online who are living with pain or caring for someone living with pain, for a chat.
The theme for December is linked to both our Pain-Less Nutrition event and our Cookfulness courses – lets talk FOOD!!!
Monday 6th December 11.30-1.00pm GMT
We moving from a weekly session to monthly and will be introducing a theme for each, with invited speakers etc – we hope to retain the relaxed and non judgemental atmosphere and make use of break-out rooms when circumstances suggest.
Coffee and Chat is held on the first Monday of each month between 11.30am to 1pm – drop in any time!
To get a Zoom link so you can drop into Coffee and Chat, click here and you can book via Eventbrite for Free:
Or send us an email, with ‘Coffee and Chat’ in the subject line and we can send you the Zoom link – the benefit of booking via Eventbrite is that you will get a reminder of the link.

Help keep Footsteps Festival free
We are raising £10,000 to support Footsteps Festival so it remains free to access for everyone…