The Power of Breath
The breath is one of the most powerful tools humans have – yet all too often we don’t utilise the many ways we can help ourselves with this basic life giving skill.
Join Footsteps Festival Team Member and person with lived experience of persistent pain Claire Robinson to explore and learn more about the power of the breath.
This is a static event with videos and information.
Join Team Member Claire as she shows us the Power of the Breath in these videos.
Claire has lived with and recovered from severe persistent pain with various self management techniques – as we all find, there is no one magic cure! But like so many others she has found using the breath to change and affect her experience and her physical and emotional state is very useful and has had a huge impact on her pain and her life.
In the below videos Claire explains how using breathing techniques has impacted her life, gives you a quick SOS emergency breathing self soothing technique and demonstrates several breathing techniques to get you started on working with breath.
The book Claire references can be found here, and a video on the mentioned Ujjayi Breath can be found here.
The Power of Breath – Introduction – Video One
Claire introduces herself and why breathwork is so important to her. She explains her pain journey and her subsequent recovery. How fear avoidance, both physical and mental has large impacts on persistent pain and increases pain, fatigue and muscle tension and this leads to the normalisation of abnormal movement. Claire found breathwork through Pilates and later yoga (6.00 mins) and talks through how breath can have such an impact on our bodies and minds for relaxation (7.55 mins) and how breath can be used to identify areas of tension in the body and mind (8.45 mins)
Claire’s advice “learn to breathe and breathe well!”
SOS Breathing Technique – Video Two
In this video Claire leads us through a breathing technique to quickly calm and down regulate ourselves – useful in any situation where you find yourself getting stressed or you feel anxiety, fear, overwhelm. Its also useful for when pain affects you. Its quick, easy and always available to you, no matter where you are.
Use the video to learn the technique, even save it on your phone so its always there for you.
Breathwork Techniques – exploring the power of breath – Video Three
In this video Claire describes and demonstrates several simple breathing techniques that can be useful for self regulation, improving your breathing which has many benefits and can even work to reduce your pain and tension if used often enough.
Learn to breath into different parts of your body and how that can feel. Work on strengthening your lungs, using breath to relax and reduce body and mind tension.
Work on strengthening your lungs, using breath to relax and reduce body and mind tension.
Realise the power of the breath on your life, your pain, and your mind and body.
There are past events which include breathwork in this playlist:
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