The Wizardry of Sleep Gadgetry: Help, Hindrance or Indifference?
21st July 6.00 – 7.00 pm BST
Join this session with Professor Nicole Tang and colleagues from Warwick University Research Lab on SLEEP and PAIN who will share their experiences using different at-home sleep-tracking gadgets (such as Fitbit and Apple Watch).
They will cover other areas like using sleep diaries to record and analyse sleep patterns. The team will talk about different ways to understand the information collected by these sleep tracking devices and how to use of this information to have a better quality sleep. It turns out that better quality sleep, leads to better physical and mental wellbeing, so living well with pain. So a really important session….
The Sleep and Pain lab team will talk about their new remote-access Sleep-Tracking Study that has recently launched as part of the WITHIN Study. You may wish to join the study and they will provide further details about to get involved but you can check out their websites below:
So join us, send us questions for the session and see you there…. awake and ready to go!
or email us on with Wizardry of Sleep in the subject line.
Please also see the “Join in Research” Event in the Discovery Zone (Main stage) to join the WITHIN project!
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Dr Nicole Tang
Dr Nicole Tang is a registered clinical and health psychologist with extensive research experience in sleep, insomnia, chronic pain and mental health. She is Director of the Warwick Sleep and Pain Laboratory and Academic Co-Lead of the Warwick Health Global Research Priority Mental Health Theme. Within the Department of Psychology at Warwick, she holds a Readership and is Postgraduate Admissions Tutor. She leads a range of projects, from experimental studies to qualitative studies; from meta-analysis, secondary data analysis, experience sampling studies, to multi-centre randomised controlled trials. Recent projects related specifically to mental health include the Warwick RECOVERS Study (on university student mental health) and the Midlands Engine Mental Health and Productivity Pilot (on early interventions for promoting mental health in the workplace). The ultimate goal of her research is to build an all-round evidence base to inform treatment development.
Paige Karadag
I am currently the Research Assistant working on the ‘WITHIN’ project at the University of Warwick. I completed a Psychology BSc in 2019 at the University of Liverpool and then completed a Health Psychology MSc and stage 1 training to become a Health Psychologist in 2020, at the University of Bath. As part of the Master’s degree, I completed a 4-month full time placement as a Research Assistant at the Bath Centre for Pain Research.
Jenna Gillett
I started my PhD last year at the University of Warwick and am researching how mental defeat and self-compassion can impact chronic pain and sleep experiences. I am passionate about pain research and have a background in Health Psychology to MSc level. During my MSc I also completed a placement at the National Spinal Injuries Centre (Buckinghamshire) working with patients and helping evaluate current rehabilitation programmes for spinal cord injury.
Dr Kristy Themelis
Kristy Themelis is a Research Fellow working on the ‘WITHIN’ project (Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain) with Dr Nicole Tang. Kristy used to work as a physiotherapist in the Netherlands, before moving to the UK to complete an MSc in Pain; Science and Society at King’s College London. She completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Nottingham in 2017 and subsequently worked as a Research fellow in the Department of Neuroscience in the Brighton and Sussex Medical School exploring mechanisms of chronic pain and fatigue.
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